Our Story
Since it was founded in 2009, AutumnGold’s Affordable Housing division has participated in the development of more than 250 units of affordable senior housing and made available more than 175 single-family homes for affordable homeownership to low and moderate-income families in Idaho.
AutumnGold Senior Services, Inc. provides supportive service assistance to approximately 250 households each year. AutumnGold strives to connect our clients to the services they require to maintain housing, promote self-sufficiency and achieve economic independence.
Our Vision: Continue as an innovative, responsive organization committed to creatively helping those with the least resources gain the stability of home, gain independence, raise hope and build self-esteem.
Our Values: Respect, Quality, Integrity, Professionalism, Teamwork, Accountability, Innovation
AutumnGold Senior Services is an HMIS Affiliated Service Provider.